spot  2.11.6
1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement
3 // de l'Epita.
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 #pragma once
22 #include <spot/twa/fwd.hh>
23 #include <spot/graph/graph.hh>
24 #include <spot/graph/ngraph.hh>
25 #include <spot/twa/bdddict.hh>
26 #include <spot/twa/twa.hh>
27 #include <spot/tl/formula.hh>
28 #include <sstream>
30 namespace spot
31 {
39  struct SPOT_API twa_graph_state: public spot::state
40  {
41  public:
42  twa_graph_state() noexcept
43  {
44  }
46  twa_graph_state(const twa_graph_state&) noexcept
47  {
48  }
50  twa_graph_state& operator=(const twa_graph_state&) noexcept
51  {
52  return *this;
53  }
55  virtual ~twa_graph_state() noexcept
56  {
57  }
59  virtual int compare(const spot::state* other) const override
60  {
61  auto o = down_cast<const twa_graph_state*>(other);
63  // Do not simply return "other - this", it might not fit in an int.
64  if (o < this)
65  return -1;
66  if (o > this)
67  return 1;
68  return 0;
69  }
71  virtual size_t hash() const override
72  {
73  return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(this);
74  }
76  virtual twa_graph_state*
77  clone() const override
78  {
79  return const_cast<twa_graph_state*>(this);
80  }
82  virtual void destroy() const override
83  {
84  }
85  };
94  struct SPOT_API twa_graph_edge_data
95  {
96  bdd cond;
97  acc_cond::mark_t acc;
99  explicit twa_graph_edge_data() noexcept
100  : cond(bddfalse), acc({})
101  {
102  }
105  bdd cond,
106  acc_cond::mark_t acc = {}) noexcept
107  : cond(cond), acc(acc)
108  {
109  }
111  bool operator<(const twa_graph_edge_data& other) const
112  {
113  if ( <
114  return true;
115  if ( >
116  return false;
117  return acc < other.acc;
118  }
120  bool operator==(const twa_graph_edge_data& other) const
121  {
122  return == &&
123  acc == other.acc;
124  }
125  };
133  template<class Graph>
134  class SPOT_API twa_graph_succ_iterator final:
135  public twa_succ_iterator
136  {
137  private:
138  typedef typename Graph::edge edge;
139  typedef typename Graph::state_data_t state;
140  const Graph* g_;
141  edge t_;
142  edge p_;
144  public:
145  twa_graph_succ_iterator(const Graph* g, edge t)
146  : g_(g), t_(t)
147  {
148  }
150  void recycle(edge t)
151  {
152  t_ = t;
153  }
155  virtual bool first() override
156  {
157  p_ = t_;
158  return p_;
159  }
161  virtual bool next() override
162  {
163  p_ = g_->edge_storage(p_).next_succ;
164  return p_;
165  }
167  virtual bool done() const override
168  {
169  return !p_;
170  }
172  virtual const twa_graph_state* dst() const override
173  {
174  SPOT_ASSERT(!done());
175  return &g_->state_data(g_->edge_storage(p_).dst);
176  }
178  virtual bdd cond() const override
179  {
180  SPOT_ASSERT(!done());
181  return g_->edge_data(p_).cond;
182  }
184  virtual acc_cond::mark_t acc() const override
185  {
186  SPOT_ASSERT(!done());
187  return g_->edge_data(p_).acc;
188  }
190  edge pos() const
191  {
192  return p_;
193  }
195  };
199  class SPOT_API twa_graph final: public twa
200  {
201  public:
203  // We avoid using graph_t::edge_storage_t because graph_t is not
204  // instantiated in the SWIG bindings, and SWIG would therefore
205  // handle graph_t::edge_storage_t as an abstract type.
206  typedef spot::internal::edge_storage<unsigned, unsigned, unsigned,
208  <twa_graph_edge_data, false>>
210  static_assert(std::is_same<typename graph_t::edge_storage_t,
211  edge_storage_t>::value, "type mismatch");
212  // We avoid using graph_t::state for the very same reason.
213  typedef unsigned state_num;
214  static_assert(std::is_same<typename graph_t::state, state_num>::value,
215  "type mismatch");
217  protected:
218  graph_t g_;
219  mutable unsigned init_number_;
221  public:
223  twa_graph(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict)
224  : twa(dict),
225  init_number_(0)
226  {
227  }
229  explicit twa_graph(const const_twa_graph_ptr& other, prop_set p)
230  : twa(other->get_dict()),
231  g_(other->g_), init_number_(other->init_number_)
232  {
233  copy_acceptance_of(other);
234  copy_ap_of(other);
235  prop_copy(other, p);
236  }
238  virtual ~twa_graph()
239  {
240  }
242 #ifndef SWIG
243  template <typename State_Name,
244  typename Name_Hash = std::hash<State_Name>,
245  typename Name_Equal = std::equal_to<State_Name>>
248  template <typename State_Name,
249  typename Name_Hash = std::hash<State_Name>,
250  typename Name_Equal = std::equal_to<State_Name>>
252  create_namer()
253  {
255  }
258  create_formula_namer()
259  {
260  return create_namer<formula>();
261  }
263  void
264  release_formula_namer(namer<formula>* namer, bool keep_names);
265 #endif
267  graph_t& get_graph()
268  {
269  return g_;
270  }
272  const graph_t& get_graph() const
273  {
274  return g_;
275  }
277  unsigned num_states() const
278  {
279  return g_.num_states();
280  }
282  unsigned num_edges() const
283  {
284  return g_.num_edges();
285  }
287  void set_init_state(state_num s)
288  {
289  bool univ = is_univ_dest(s);
290  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY((!univ && s >= num_states())
291  // univ destinations have at least length 2.
292  || (univ && 2 + ~s >= g_.dests_vector().size())))
293  throw std::invalid_argument
294  ("set_init_state() called with nonexisting state");
295  init_number_ = s;
296  }
298  template<class I>
299  void set_univ_init_state(I dst_begin, I dst_end)
300  {
301  auto ns = num_states();
302  for (I i = dst_begin; i != dst_end; ++i)
303  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(*i >= ns))
304  throw std::invalid_argument
305  ("set_univ_init_state() called with nonexisting state");
306  init_number_ = g_.new_univ_dests(dst_begin, dst_end);
307  }
309  void set_univ_init_state(const std::initializer_list<state_num>& il)
310  {
311  set_univ_init_state(il.begin(), il.end());
312  }
314  state_num get_init_state_number() const
315  {
316  // If the automaton has no state, it has no initial state.
317  if (num_states() == 0)
318  throw std::runtime_error("automaton has no state at all");
319  return init_number_;
320  }
322  virtual const twa_graph_state* get_init_state() const override
323  {
324  unsigned n = get_init_state_number();
325  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!is_existential()))
326  throw std::runtime_error
327  ("the abstract interface does not support alternating automata");
328  return state_from_number(n);
329  }
331  virtual twa_succ_iterator*
332  succ_iter(const state* st) const override
333  {
334  auto s = down_cast<const typename graph_t::state_storage_t*>(st);
335  SPOT_ASSERT(!s->succ || g_.is_valid_edge(s->succ));
337  if (this->iter_cache_)
338  {
339  auto it =
340  down_cast<twa_graph_succ_iterator<graph_t>*>(this->iter_cache_);
341  it->recycle(s->succ);
342  this->iter_cache_ = nullptr;
343  return it;
344  }
345  return new twa_graph_succ_iterator<graph_t>(&g_, s->succ);
346  }
348  static constexpr bool is_univ_dest(const edge_storage_t& e)
349  {
350  return is_univ_dest(e.dst);
351  }
353  static constexpr bool is_univ_dest(unsigned s)
354  {
355  // Universal destinations are stored with their most-significant
356  // bit set.
357  return (int) s < 0;
358  }
360  state_num
361  state_number(const state* st) const
362  {
363  auto s = down_cast<const typename graph_t::state_storage_t*>(st);
364  return s - &g_.state_storage(0);
365  }
367  const twa_graph_state*
368  state_from_number(state_num n) const
369  {
370  return &g_.state_data(n);
371  }
373  std::string format_state(unsigned n) const;
375  virtual std::string format_state(const state* st) const override
376  {
377  return format_state(state_number(st));
378  }
380  unsigned edge_number(const twa_succ_iterator* it) const
381  {
382  auto* i = down_cast<const twa_graph_succ_iterator<graph_t>*>(it);
383  return i->pos();
384  }
386  unsigned edge_number(const edge_storage_t& e) const
387  {
388  return g_.index_of_edge(e);
389  }
391  twa_graph_edge_data& edge_data(const twa_succ_iterator* it)
392  {
393  return g_.edge_data(edge_number(it));
394  }
396  twa_graph_edge_data& edge_data(unsigned t)
397  {
398  return g_.edge_data(t);
399  }
401  const twa_graph_edge_data& edge_data(const twa_succ_iterator* it) const
402  {
403  return g_.edge_data(edge_number(it));
404  }
406  const twa_graph_edge_data& edge_data(unsigned t) const
407  {
408  return g_.edge_data(t);
409  }
411  edge_storage_t& edge_storage(const twa_succ_iterator* it)
412  {
413  return g_.edge_storage(edge_number(it));
414  }
416  edge_storage_t& edge_storage(unsigned t)
417  {
418  return g_.edge_storage(t);
419  }
421  const edge_storage_t
422  edge_storage(const twa_succ_iterator* it) const
423  {
424  return g_.edge_storage(edge_number(it));
425  }
427  const edge_storage_t edge_storage(unsigned t) const
428  {
429  return g_.edge_storage(t);
430  }
432  unsigned new_state()
433  {
434  return g_.new_state();
435  }
437  unsigned new_states(unsigned n)
438  {
439  return g_.new_states(n);
440  }
442  unsigned new_edge(unsigned src, unsigned dst,
443  bdd cond,
444  acc_cond::mark_t acc = {})
445  {
446  return g_.new_edge(src, dst, cond, acc);
447  }
449  unsigned new_acc_edge(unsigned src, unsigned dst,
450  bdd cond, bool acc = true)
451  {
452  if (acc)
453  return g_.new_edge(src, dst, cond, this->acc().all_sets());
454  else
455  return g_.new_edge(src, dst, cond);
456  }
458  template<class I>
459  unsigned new_univ_edge(unsigned src, I begin, I end,
460  bdd cond,
461  acc_cond::mark_t acc = {})
462  {
463  return g_.new_univ_edge(src, begin, end, cond, acc);
464  }
466  unsigned new_univ_edge(unsigned src, std::initializer_list<unsigned> dst,
467  bdd cond,
468  acc_cond::mark_t acc = {})
469  {
470  return g_.new_univ_edge(src, dst.begin(), dst.end(), cond, acc);
471  }
473 #ifndef SWIG
474  internal::state_out<const graph_t>
475  out(unsigned src) const
476  {
477  return g_.out(src);
478  }
479 #endif
481  internal::state_out<graph_t>
482  out(unsigned src)
483  {
484  return g_.out(src);
485  }
487  internal::killer_edge_iterator<graph_t>
488  out_iteraser(unsigned src)
489  {
490  return g_.out_iteraser(src);
491  }
493  internal::const_universal_dests
494  univ_dests(unsigned d) const noexcept
495  {
496  return g_.univ_dests(d);
497  }
499  internal::const_universal_dests
500  univ_dests(const edge_storage_t& e) const noexcept
501  {
502  return g_.univ_dests(e);
503  }
506  bool is_existential() const
507  {
508  return g_.is_existential();
509  }
511 #ifndef SWIG
512  auto states() const
513  SPOT_RETURN(g_.states());
514  auto states()
515  SPOT_RETURN(g_.states());
517  internal::all_trans<const graph_t>
518  edges() const noexcept
519  {
520  return g_.edges();
521  }
522 #endif
524  internal::all_trans<graph_t>
525  edges() noexcept
526  {
527  return g_.edges();
528  }
530 #ifndef SWIG
531  auto edge_vector() const
532  SPOT_RETURN(g_.edge_vector());
533  auto edge_vector()
534  SPOT_RETURN(g_.edge_vector());
535 #endif
537  bool is_dead_edge(unsigned t) const
538  {
539  return g_.is_dead_edge(t);
540  }
542  bool is_dead_edge(const graph_t::edge_storage_t& t) const
543  {
544  return g_.is_dead_edge(t);
545  }
563  void merge_edges();
607  unsigned merge_states_of(bool stable = true,
608  const std::vector<bool>* to_merge_ptr = nullptr);
645  typedef void (*shift_action)(const std::vector<unsigned>& newst,
646  void* action_data);
647  void purge_unreachable_states(shift_action* f = nullptr,
648  void* action_data = nullptr);
662  void copy_state_names_from(const const_twa_graph_ptr& other);
667  {
668  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!(bool)prop_state_acc()))
669  throw std::runtime_error
670  ("state_acc_sets() should only be called on "
671  "automata with state-based acceptance");
672  for (auto& t: g_.out(s))
673  // Stop at the first edge, since the remaining should be
674  // labeled identically.
675  return t.acc;
676  return {};
677  }
685  bool state_is_accepting(unsigned s) const
686  {
687  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!(bool)prop_state_acc()))
688  throw std::runtime_error
689  ("state_is_accepting() should only be called on "
690  "automata with state-based acceptance");
691  for (auto& t: g_.out(s))
692  // Stop at the first edge, since the remaining should be
693  // labeled identically.
694  return acc().accepting(t.acc);
695  return false;
696  }
698  bool state_is_accepting(const state* s) const
699  {
700  return state_is_accepting(state_number(s));
701  }
704  bool operator==(const twa_graph& aut) const
705  {
706  auto& dests1 = g_.dests_vector();
707  auto& dests2 = aut.get_graph().dests_vector();
708  if (num_states() != aut.num_states() ||
709  num_edges() != aut.num_edges() ||
710  num_sets() != aut.num_sets() ||
711  dests1.size() != dests2.size())
712  return false;
713  auto& trans1 = edge_vector();
714  auto& trans2 = aut.edge_vector();
715  if (!std::equal(trans1.begin() + 1, trans1.end(),
716  trans2.begin() + 1))
717  return false;
718  return std::equal(dests1.begin(), dests1.end(),
719  dests2.begin());
720  }
722 #ifndef SWIG
746  void defrag_states(std::vector<unsigned>& newst,
747  unsigned used_states);
749  // prototype was changed in Spot 2.10
750  SPOT_DEPRECATED("use reference version of this method")
751  void defrag_states(std::vector<unsigned>&& newst,
752  unsigned used_states)
753  {
754  return defrag_states(newst, used_states);
755  }
757 #endif // SWIG
766  void kill_state(unsigned state);
773  void dump_storage_as_dot(std::ostream& out,
774  const char* opt = nullptr) const;
775  };
777  // This is a workaround for
778 #if __GNUC__ == 8 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 2
779 # define SPOT_make_twa_graph__(...) \
780  std::shared_ptr<twa_graph>(new twa_graph(__VA_ARGS__))
781 #else
782 # define SPOT_make_twa_graph__(...) \
783  std::make_shared<twa_graph>(__VA_ARGS__)
784 #endif
788  inline twa_graph_ptr make_twa_graph(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict)
789  {
790  return SPOT_make_shared_enabled__(twa_graph, dict);
791  }
795  inline twa_graph_ptr make_twa_graph(const twa_graph_ptr& aut,
796  twa::prop_set p)
797  {
798  return SPOT_make_shared_enabled__(twa_graph, aut, p);
799  }
807  inline twa_graph_ptr make_twa_graph(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut,
808  twa::prop_set p,
809  bool preserve_name_properties = false)
810  {
811  twa_graph_ptr res = SPOT_make_shared_enabled__(twa_graph, aut, p);
812  if (preserve_name_properties)
813  res->copy_named_properties_of(aut);
814  return res;
815  }
826  SPOT_API twa_graph_ptr
827  make_twa_graph(const const_twa_ptr& aut, twa::prop_set p,
828  bool preserve_names = false,
829  // parentheses for SWIG, see
830  //
831  unsigned max_states = -(1U));
832 }
unsigned num_states() const
The number of states in the automaton.
Definition: graph.hh:658
internal::killer_edge_iterator< digraph > out_iteraser(state_storage_t &src)
Return a fake container with all edges leaving src, allowing erasure.
Definition: graph.hh:931
state new_states(unsigned n, Args &&... args)
Create n new states.
Definition: graph.hh:697
state new_state(Args &&... args)
Create a new states.
Definition: graph.hh:683
edge index_of_edge(const edge_storage_t &tt) const
Convert a storage reference into an edge number.
Definition: graph.hh:893
bool is_valid_edge(edge t) const
Test whether the given edge is valid.
Definition: graph.hh:997
edge_storage_t::data_t & edge_data(edge s)
return the Edgeg_Data of an edge.
Definition: graph.hh:766
const dests_vector_t & dests_vector() const
The vector used to store universal destinations.
Definition: graph.hh:1025
edge_storage_t & edge_storage(edge s)
return a reference to the storage of an edge
Definition: graph.hh:748
bool is_existential() const
Whether the automaton uses only existential branching.
Definition: graph.hh:672
internal::state_out< digraph > out(state src)
Return a fake container with all edges leaving src.
Definition: graph.hh:902
state new_univ_dests(I dst_begin, I dst_end)
Create a new universal destination group.
Definition: graph.hh:809
state_storage_t & state_storage(state s)
return a reference to the storage of a state
Definition: graph.hh:712
unsigned num_edges() const
The number of edges in the automaton.
Definition: graph.hh:666
state_storage_t::data_t & state_data(state s)
return the State_Data associated to a state
Definition: graph.hh:730
bool is_dead_edge(unsigned t) const
Tests whether an edge has been erased.
Definition: graph.hh:1009
edge new_univ_edge(state src, I dst_begin, I dst_end, Args &&... args)
Create a new universal edge.
Definition: graph.hh:844
edge new_edge(state src, state dst, Args &&... args)
Create a new edge.
Definition: graph.hh:785
internal::all_trans< const digraph > edges() const
Return a fake container with all edges (exluding erased edges)
Definition: graph.hh:961
Definition: ngraph.hh:33
This class is used to tell parallel algorithms what resources they may use.
Definition: common.hh:156
Abstract class for states.
Definition: twa.hh:51
Iterator used by the on-the-fly interface of twa_graph.
Definition: twagraph.hh:136
virtual bool next() override
Jump to the next successor (if any).
Definition: twagraph.hh:161
virtual bdd cond() const override
Get the condition on the edge leading to this successor.
Definition: twagraph.hh:178
virtual acc_cond::mark_t acc() const override
Get the acceptance mark of the edge leading to this successor.
Definition: twagraph.hh:184
virtual bool first() override
Position the iterator on the first successor (if any).
Definition: twagraph.hh:155
virtual const twa_graph_state * dst() const override
Get the destination state of the current edge.
Definition: twagraph.hh:172
virtual bool done() const override
Check whether the iteration is finished.
Definition: twagraph.hh:167
Graph-based representation of a TωA.
Definition: twagraph.hh:200
void copy_state_names_from(const const_twa_graph_ptr &other)
Define the state names of this automaton using the names from other.
void merge_univ_dests()
Merge common universal destinations.
virtual twa_succ_iterator * succ_iter(const state *st) const override
Get an iterator over the successors of local_state.
Definition: twagraph.hh:332
void merge_edges()
Merge edges that can be merged.
void kill_state(unsigned state)
Make a state dead.
unsigned merge_states_of(bool stable=true, const std::vector< bool > *to_merge_ptr=nullptr)
Like merge states, but one can chose which states are candidates for merging.
bool state_is_accepting(unsigned s) const
Tell if a state is accepting.
Definition: twagraph.hh:685
void remove_unused_ap()
Remove unused atomic propositions.
void purge_dead_states()
Remove all dead states.
void defrag_states(std::vector< unsigned > &newst, unsigned used_states)
Renumber all states, and drop some.
bool state_is_accepting(const state *s) const
Tell if a state is accepting.
Definition: twagraph.hh:698
virtual const twa_graph_state * get_init_state() const override
Get the initial state of the automaton.
Definition: twagraph.hh:322
unsigned merge_states(parallel_policy ppolicy=parallel_policy())
Merge states that can be merged.
virtual std::string format_state(const state *st) const override
Format the state as a string for printing.
Definition: twagraph.hh:375
acc_cond::mark_t state_acc_sets(unsigned s) const
Return the marks associated to a state if the acceptance is state-based.
Definition: twagraph.hh:666
bool is_existential() const
Whether the automaton uses only existential branching.
Definition: twagraph.hh:506
void dump_storage_as_dot(std::ostream &out, const char *opt=nullptr) const
Print the data structures used to represent the automaton in dot's format.
Iterate over the successors of a state.
Definition: twa.hh:398
A Transition-based ω-Automaton.
Definition: twa.hh:623
unsigned num_sets() const
Number of acceptance sets used by the automaton.
Definition: twa.hh:934
LTL/PSL formula interface.
SPOT_DEPRECATED("use to_parity() instead") twa_graph_ptr iar(const const_twa_graph_ptr &aut
Turn a Rabin-like or Streett-like automaton into a parity automaton based on the index appearence rec...
twa_graph_ptr make_twa_graph(const bdd_dict_ptr &dict)
Build an explicit automaton from all states of aut,.
Definition: twagraph.hh:788
Definition: automata.hh:27
void prop_copy(const const_twa_ptr &other, prop_set p)
Copy the properties of another automaton.
Definition: twa.hh:1627
An acceptance mark.
Definition: acc.hh:85
Definition: graph.hh:66
Definition: graph.hh:188
Data attached to edges of a twa_graph.
Definition: twagraph.hh:95
Graph-based representation of a TωA.
Definition: twagraph.hh:40
virtual void destroy() const override
Release a state.
Definition: twagraph.hh:82
virtual int compare(const spot::state *other) const override
Compares two states (that come from the same automaton).
Definition: twagraph.hh:59
virtual size_t hash() const override
Hash a state.
Definition: twagraph.hh:71
virtual twa_graph_state * clone() const override
Duplicate a state.
Definition: twagraph.hh:77

Please direct any question, comment, or bug report to the Spot mailing list at
Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.1