spot  2.11.6
1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2015-2020, 2022 Laboratoire de Recherche et
3 // Developpement de l'Epita
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 #pragma once
22 #include <atomic>
23 #include <chrono>
24 #include <spot/bricks/brick-hashset>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
26 #include <thread>
27 #include <vector>
28 #include <utility>
29 #include <spot/misc/common.hh>
30 #include <spot/kripke/kripke.hh>
31 #include <spot/misc/fixpool.hh>
32 #include <spot/misc/timer.hh>
33 #include <spot/twacube/twacube.hh>
34 #include <spot/twacube/fwd.hh>
35 #include <spot/mc/intersect.hh>
36 #include <spot/mc/mc.hh>
38 namespace spot
39 {
40  template<typename State,
41  typename StateHash,
42  typename StateEqual>
44  {
46  public:
47  enum class uf_status { LIVE, LOCK, DEAD };
48  enum class list_status { BUSY, LOCK, DONE };
49  enum class claim_status { CLAIM_FOUND, CLAIM_NEW, CLAIM_DEAD };
52  struct uf_element
53  {
55  State st_kripke;
57  unsigned st_prop;
61  std::mutex acc_mutex_;
63  std::atomic<uf_element*> parent;
65  std::atomic<unsigned> worker_;
67  std::atomic<uf_element*> next_;
69  std::atomic<uf_status> uf_status_;
71  std::atomic<list_status> list_status_;
72  };
76  {
78  { }
80  uf_element_hasher() = default;
82  brick::hash::hash128_t
83  hash(const uf_element* lhs) const
84  {
85  StateHash hash;
86  // Not modulo 31 according to brick::hashset specifications.
87  unsigned u = hash(lhs->st_kripke) % (1<<30);
88  u = wang32_hash(lhs->st_prop) ^ u;
89  u = u % (1<<30);
90  return {u, u};
91  }
93  bool equal(const uf_element* lhs,
94  const uf_element* rhs) const
95  {
96  StateEqual equal;
97  return (lhs->st_prop == rhs->st_prop)
98  && equal(lhs->st_kripke, rhs->st_kripke);
99  }
100  };
103  using shared_map = brick::hashset::FastConcurrent <uf_element*,
107  map_(uf.map_), tid_(uf.tid_), size_(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()),
108  nb_th_(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()), inserted_(0),
109  p_(sizeof(uf_element))
110  { }
112  iterable_uf_ec(shared_map& map, unsigned tid):
113  map_(map), tid_(tid), size_(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()),
114  nb_th_(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()), inserted_(0),
115  p_(sizeof(uf_element))
116  { }
118  ~iterable_uf_ec() {}
120  std::pair<claim_status, uf_element*>
121  make_claim(State kripke, unsigned prop)
122  {
123  unsigned w_id = (1U << tid_);
125  // Setup and try to insert the new state in the shared map.
126  uf_element* v = (uf_element*) p_.allocate();
127  new (v) (uf_element); // required, otherwise the mutex is unitialized
128  v->st_kripke = kripke;
129  v->st_prop = prop;
130  v->acc = {};
131  v->parent = v;
132  v->next_ = v;
133  v->worker_ = 0;
134  v->uf_status_ = uf_status::LIVE;
135  v->list_status_ = list_status::BUSY;
137  auto it = map_.insert({v});
138  bool b = it.isnew();
140  // Insertion failed, delete element
141  // FIXME Should we add a local cache to avoid useless allocations?
142  if (!b)
143  p_.deallocate(v);
144  else
145  ++inserted_;
147  uf_element* a_root = find(*it);
148  if (a_root->uf_status_.load() == uf_status::DEAD)
149  return {claim_status::CLAIM_DEAD, *it};
151  if ((a_root->worker_.load() & w_id) != 0)
152  return {claim_status::CLAIM_FOUND, *it};
154  atomic_fetch_or(&(a_root->worker_), w_id);
155  while (a_root->parent.load() != a_root)
156  {
157  a_root = find(a_root);
158  atomic_fetch_or(&(a_root->worker_), w_id);
159  }
161  return {claim_status::CLAIM_NEW, *it};
162  }
164  uf_element* find(uf_element* a)
165  {
166  uf_element* parent = a->parent.load();
167  uf_element* x = a;
168  uf_element* y;
170  while (x != parent)
171  {
172  y = parent;
173  parent = y->parent.load();
174  if (parent == y)
175  return y;
176  x->;
177  x = parent;
178  parent = x->parent.load();
179  }
180  return x;
181  }
183  bool sameset(uf_element* a, uf_element* b)
184  {
185  while (true)
186  {
187  uf_element* a_root = find(a);
188  uf_element* b_root = find(b);
189  if (a_root == b_root)
190  return true;
192  if (a_root->parent.load() == a_root)
193  return false;
194  }
195  }
197  bool lock_root(uf_element* a)
198  {
199  uf_status expected = uf_status::LIVE;
200  if (a->uf_status_.load() == expected)
201  {
202  if (std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong
203  (&(a->uf_status_), &expected, uf_status::LOCK))
204  {
205  if (a->parent.load() == a)
206  return true;
207  unlock_root(a);
208  }
209  }
210  return false;
211  }
213  inline void unlock_root(uf_element* a)
214  {
215  a->;
216  }
218  uf_element* lock_list(uf_element* a)
219  {
220  uf_element* a_list = a;
221  while (true)
222  {
223  bool dontcare = false;
224  a_list = pick_from_list(a_list, &dontcare);
225  if (a_list == nullptr)
226  {
227  return nullptr;
228  }
230  auto expected = list_status::BUSY;
231  bool b = std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong
232  (&(a_list->list_status_), &expected, list_status::LOCK);
234  if (b)
235  return a_list;
237  a_list = a_list->next_.load();
238  }
239  }
241  void unlock_list(uf_element* a)
242  {
243  a->;
244  }
246  acc_cond::mark_t
247  unite(uf_element* a, uf_element* b, acc_cond::mark_t acc)
248  {
249  uf_element* a_root;
250  uf_element* b_root;
251  uf_element* q;
252  uf_element* r;
254  do
255  {
256  a_root = find(a);
257  b_root = find(b);
259  if (a_root == b_root)
260  {
261  // Update acceptance condition
262  {
263  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> rlock(a_root->acc_mutex_);
264  acc |= a_root->acc;
265  a_root->acc = acc;
266  }
268  while (a_root->parent.load() != a_root)
269  {
270  a_root = find(a_root);
271  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> rlock(a_root->acc_mutex_);
272  acc |= a_root->acc;
273  a_root->acc = acc;
274  }
275  return acc;
276  }
278  r = std::max(a_root, b_root);
279  q = std::min(a_root, b_root);
280  }
281  while (!lock_root(q));
283  uf_element* a_list = lock_list(a);
284  if (a_list == nullptr)
285  {
286  unlock_root(q);
287  return acc;
288  }
290  uf_element* b_list = lock_list(b);
291  if (b_list == nullptr)
292  {
293  unlock_list(a_list);
294  unlock_root(q);
295  return acc;
296  }
298  SPOT_ASSERT(a_list->list_status_.load() == list_status::LOCK);
299  SPOT_ASSERT(b_list->list_status_.load() == list_status::LOCK);
301  // Swapping
302  uf_element* a_next = a_list->next_.load();
303  uf_element* b_next = b_list->next_.load();
304  SPOT_ASSERT(a_next != nullptr);
305  SPOT_ASSERT(b_next != nullptr);
307  a_list->;
308  b_list->;
309  q->;
311  // Update workers
312  unsigned q_worker = q->worker_.load();
313  unsigned r_worker = r->worker_.load();
314  if ((q_worker|r_worker) != r_worker)
315  {
316  atomic_fetch_or(&(r->worker_), q_worker);
317  while (r->parent.load() != r)
318  {
319  r = find(r);
320  atomic_fetch_or(&(r->worker_), q_worker);
321  }
322  }
324  // Update acceptance condition
325  {
326  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> rlock(r->acc_mutex_);
327  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> qlock(q->acc_mutex_);
328  acc |= r->acc | q->acc;
329  r->acc = q->acc = acc;
330  }
332  while (r->parent.load() != r)
333  {
334  r = find(r);
335  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> rlock(r->acc_mutex_);
336  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> qlock(q->acc_mutex_);
337  acc |= r->acc | q->acc;
338  r->acc = acc;
339  }
341  unlock_list(a_list);
342  unlock_list(b_list);
343  unlock_root(q);
344  return acc;
345  }
347  uf_element* pick_from_list(uf_element* u, bool* sccfound)
348  {
349  uf_element* a = u;
350  while (true)
351  {
352  list_status a_status;
353  while (true)
354  {
355  a_status = a->list_status_.load();
357  if (a_status == list_status::BUSY)
358  return a;
360  if (a_status == list_status::DONE)
361  break;
362  }
364  uf_element* b = a->next_.load();
366  // ------------------------------ NO LAZY : start
367  // if (b == u)
368  // {
369  // uf_element* a_root = find(a);
370  // uf_status status = a_root->uf_status_.load();
371  // while (status != uf_status::DEAD)
372  // {
373  // if (status == uf_status::LIVE)
374  // *sccfound = std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong
375  // (&(a_root->uf_status_), &status, uf_status::DEAD);
376  // status = a_root->uf_status_.load();
377  // }
378  // return nullptr;
379  // }
380  // a = b;
381  // ------------------------------ NO LAZY : end
383  if (a == b)
384  {
385  uf_element* a_root = find(u);
386  uf_status status = a_root->uf_status_.load();
387  while (status != uf_status::DEAD)
388  {
389  if (status == uf_status::LIVE)
390  *sccfound = std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong
391  (&(a_root->uf_status_), &status, uf_status::DEAD);
392  status = a_root->uf_status_.load();
393  }
394  return nullptr;
395  }
397  list_status b_status;
398  while (true)
399  {
400  b_status = b->list_status_.load();
402  if (b_status == list_status::BUSY)
403  return b;
405  if (b_status == list_status::DONE)
406  break;
407  }
409  SPOT_ASSERT(b_status == list_status::DONE);
410  SPOT_ASSERT(a_status == list_status::DONE);
412  uf_element* c = b->next_.load();
413  a->;
414  a = c;
415  }
416  }
418  void remove_from_list(uf_element* a)
419  {
420  while (true)
421  {
422  list_status a_status = a->list_status_.load();
424  if (a_status == list_status::DONE)
425  break;
427  if (a_status == list_status::BUSY)
428  std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong
429  (&(a->list_status_), &a_status, list_status::DONE);
430  }
431  }
433  unsigned inserted()
434  {
435  return inserted_;
436  }
438  private:
439  iterable_uf_ec() = default;
441  shared_map map_;
442  unsigned tid_;
443  unsigned size_;
444  unsigned nb_th_;
445  unsigned inserted_;
446  fixed_size_pool<pool_type::Unsafe> p_;
447  };
452  template<typename State, typename SuccIterator,
453  typename StateHash, typename StateEqual>
455  {
456  private:
457  swarmed_bloemen_ec() = delete;
458  public:
461  using uf_element = typename uf::uf_element;
463  using shared_struct = uf;
464  using shared_map = typename uf::shared_map;
466  static shared_struct* make_shared_structure(shared_map m, unsigned i)
467  {
468  return new uf(m, i);
469  }
472  twacube_ptr twa,
473  shared_map& map, /* useless here */
475  unsigned tid,
476  std::atomic<bool>& stop):
477  sys_(sys), twa_(twa), uf_(*uf), tid_(tid),
478  nb_th_(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()),
479  stop_(stop)
480  {
481  static_assert(spot::is_a_kripkecube_ptr<decltype(&sys),
482  State, SuccIterator>::value,
483  "error: does not match the kripkecube requirements");
484  }
486  ~swarmed_bloemen_ec() = default;
488  void run()
489  {
490  setup();
491  State init_kripke = sys_.initial(tid_);
492  unsigned init_twa = twa_->get_initial();
493  auto pair = uf_.make_claim(init_kripke, init_twa);
494  todo_.push_back(pair.second);
495  Rp_.push_back(pair.second);
496  ++states_;
498  while (!todo_.empty())
499  {
500  bloemen_recursive_start:
501  while (!stop_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
502  {
503  bool sccfound = false;
504  uf_element* v_prime = uf_.pick_from_list(todo_.back(), &sccfound);
505  if (v_prime == nullptr)
506  {
507  // The SCC has been explored!
508  sccs_ += sccfound;
509  break;
510  }
512  auto it_kripke = sys_.succ(v_prime->st_kripke, tid_);
513  auto it_prop = twa_->succ(v_prime->st_prop);
514  forward_iterators(sys_, twa_, it_kripke, it_prop, true, tid_);
515  while (!it_kripke->done())
516  {
517  auto w = uf_.make_claim(it_kripke->state(),
518  twa_->trans_storage(it_prop, tid_)
519  .dst);
520  auto trans_acc = twa_->trans_storage(it_prop, tid_).acc_;
521  ++transitions_;
522  if (w.first == uf::claim_status::CLAIM_NEW)
523  {
524  todo_.push_back(w.second);
525  Rp_.push_back(w.second);
526  ++states_;
527  sys_.recycle(it_kripke, tid_);
528  goto bloemen_recursive_start;
529  }
530  else if (w.first == uf::claim_status::CLAIM_FOUND)
531  {
532  acc_cond::mark_t scc_acc = trans_acc;
534  // This operation is mandatory to update acceptance marks.
535  // Otherwise, when w.second and todo.back() are
536  // already in the same set, the acceptance condition will
537  // not be added.
538  scc_acc |= uf_.unite(w.second, w.second, scc_acc);
540  while (!uf_.sameset(todo_.back(), w.second))
541  {
542  uf_element* r = Rp_.back();
543  Rp_.pop_back();
544  uf_.unite(r, Rp_.back(), scc_acc);
545  }
548  {
549  auto root = uf_.find(w.second);
550  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(root->acc_mutex_);
551  scc_acc = root->acc;
552  }
554  // cycle found in SCC and it contains acceptance condition
555  if (twa_->acc().accepting(scc_acc))
556  {
557  sys_.recycle(it_kripke, tid_);
558  stop_ = true;
559  is_empty_ = false;
560  tm_.stop("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_));
561  return;
562  }
563  }
564  forward_iterators(sys_, twa_, it_kripke, it_prop,
565  false, tid_);
566  }
567  uf_.remove_from_list(v_prime);
568  sys_.recycle(it_kripke, tid_);
569  }
571  if (todo_.back() == Rp_.back())
572  Rp_.pop_back();
573  todo_.pop_back();
574  }
575  finalize();
576  }
578  void setup()
579  {
580  tm_.start("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_));
581  }
583  void finalize()
584  {
585  bool tst_val = false;
586  bool new_val = true;
587  bool exchanged = stop_.compare_exchange_strong(tst_val, new_val);
588  if (exchanged)
589  finisher_ = true;
590  tm_.stop("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_));
591  }
593  bool finisher()
594  {
595  return finisher_;
596  }
598  unsigned states()
599  {
600  return states_;
601  }
603  unsigned transitions()
604  {
605  return transitions_;
606  }
608  unsigned walltime()
609  {
610  return tm_.timer("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_)).walltime();
611  }
613  std::string name()
614  {
615  return "bloemen_ec";
616  }
618  int sccs()
619  {
620  return sccs_;
621  }
623  mc_rvalue result()
624  {
625  return is_empty_ ? mc_rvalue::EMPTY : mc_rvalue::NOT_EMPTY;
626  }
628  std::string trace()
629  {
630  return "Not implemented";
631  }
633  private:
635  twacube_ptr twa_;
636  std::vector<uf_element*> todo_;
637  std::vector<uf_element*> Rp_;
639  unsigned tid_;
640  unsigned nb_th_;
641  unsigned inserted_ = 0;
642  unsigned states_ = 0;
643  unsigned transitions_ = 0;
644  unsigned sccs_ = 0;
645  bool is_empty_ = true;
646  spot::timer_map tm_;
647  std::atomic<bool>& stop_;
648  bool finisher_ = false;
649  };
650 }
void * allocate()
Allocate size bytes of memory.
Definition: fixpool.hh:89
void deallocate(void *ptr)
Recycle size bytes of memory.
Definition: fixpool.hh:133
This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter is of type kripkecube....
Definition: kripke.hh:72
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:44
This class is a template representation of a Kripke structure. It is composed of two template paramet...
Definition: kripke.hh:41
This class implements the SCC decomposition algorithm of bloemen as described in PPOPP'16....
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:455
A map of timer, where each timer has a name.
Definition: timer.hh:229
void stop(const std::string &name)
Stop timer name.
Definition: timer.hh:249
void start(const std::string &name)
Start a timer with name name.
Definition: timer.hh:238
const spot::timer & timer(const std::string &name) const
Return the timer name.
Definition: timer.hh:274
std::chrono::milliseconds::rep walltime() const
Return cumulative wall time.
Definition: timer.hh:207
A Transition-based ω-Automaton.
Definition: twa.hh:623
size_t wang32_hash(size_t key)
Thomas Wang's 32 bit hash function.
Definition: hashfunc.hh:41
Definition: automata.hh:27
Definition: mc.hh:44
The product is not empty.
The product is empty.
An acceptance mark.
Definition: acc.hh:85
The haser for the previous uf_element. Shortcut to ease shared map manipulation.
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:76
Represents a Union-Find element.
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:53
State st_kripke
the kripke state handled by the element
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:55
std::mutex acc_mutex_
mutex for acceptance condition
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:61
std::atomic< uf_element * > parent
reference to the pointer
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:63
std::atomic< unsigned > worker_
The set of worker for a given state.
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:65
unsigned st_prop
the prop state handled by the element
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:57
acc_cond::mark_t acc
acceptance conditions of the union
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:59
std::atomic< uf_status > uf_status_
current status for the element
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:69
std::atomic< uf_element * > next_
next element for work stealing
Definition: bloemen_ec.hh:67

Please direct any question, comment, or bug report to the Spot mailing list at
Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.1