spot  2.11.6
1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2015-2016, 2018-, 20222022 Laboratoire de Recherche et
3 // Developpement de l'Epita
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 #pragma once
22 #include <atomic>
23 #include <spot/twa/acc.hh>
24 #include <spot/mc/unionfind.hh>
25 #include <spot/mc/intersect.hh>
26 #include <spot/mc/mc.hh>
27 #include <spot/misc/timer.hh>
28 #include <spot/twacube/twacube.hh>
29 #include <spot/twacube/fwd.hh>
31 namespace spot
32 {
38  template<typename State, typename SuccIterator,
39  typename StateHash, typename StateEqual>
40  class SPOT_API lpar13
41  {
42  struct product_state
43  {
44  State st_kripke;
45  unsigned st_prop;
46  };
48  struct product_state_equal
49  {
50  bool
51  operator()(const product_state lhs,
52  const product_state rhs) const
53  {
54  StateEqual equal;
55  return (lhs.st_prop == rhs.st_prop) &&
56  equal(lhs.st_kripke, rhs.st_kripke);
57  }
58  };
60  struct product_state_hash
61  {
62  size_t
63  operator()(const product_state that) const noexcept
64  {
65  // FIXME: wang32_hash(that.st_prop) could have been
66  // pre-calculated!
67  StateHash hasher;
68  return wang32_hash(that.st_prop) ^ hasher(that.st_kripke);
69  }
70  };
72  public:
74  using shared_map = int; // Useless here.
75  using shared_struct = int; // Useless here.
77  static shared_struct* make_shared_structure(shared_map m, unsigned i)
78  {
79  return nullptr; // Useless
80  }
83  twacube_ptr twa,
84  shared_map& map, /* useless here */
85  shared_struct*, /* useless here */
86  unsigned tid,
87  std::atomic<bool>& stop)
88  : sys_(sys), twa_(twa), tid_(tid), stop_(stop),
89  acc_(twa->acc()), sccs_(0U)
90  {
91  static_assert(spot::is_a_kripkecube_ptr<decltype(&sys),
92  State, SuccIterator>::value,
93  "error: does not match the kripkecube requirements");
94  }
96  virtual ~lpar13()
97  {
98  map.clear();
99  while (!todo.empty())
100  {
101  sys_.recycle(todo.back().it_kripke, tid_);
102  todo.pop_back();
103  }
104  }
106  bool run()
107  {
108  setup();
109  product_state initial = {sys_.initial(tid_), twa_->get_initial()};
110  if (SPOT_LIKELY(push_state(initial, dfs_number+1, {})))
111  {
112  todo.push_back({initial, sys_.succ(initial.st_kripke, tid_),
113  twa_->succ(initial.st_prop)});
115  // Not going further! It's a product with a single state.
116  if (todo.back().it_prop->done())
117  return false;
119  forward_iterators(sys_, twa_, todo.back().it_kripke,
120  todo.back().it_prop, true, 0);
121  map[initial] = ++dfs_number;
122  }
123  while (!todo.empty() && !stop_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
124  {
125  // Check the kripke is enough since it's the outer loop. More
126  // details in forward_iterators.
127  if (todo.back().it_kripke->done())
128  {
129  bool is_init = todo.size() == 1;
130  auto newtop = is_init? todo.back().st: todo[todo.size() -2].st;
131  if (SPOT_LIKELY(pop_state(todo.back().st,
132  map[todo.back().st],
133  is_init,
134  newtop,
135  map[newtop])))
136  {
137  sys_.recycle(todo.back().it_kripke, tid_);
138  // FIXME: a local storage for twacube iterator?
139  todo.pop_back();
140  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(found_))
141  {
142  finalize();
143  return true;
144  }
145  }
146  }
147  else
148  {
149  ++trans_;
150  product_state dst =
151  {
152  todo.back().it_kripke->state(),
153  twa_->trans_storage(todo.back().it_prop, tid_).dst
154  };
155  auto acc = twa_->trans_data(todo.back().it_prop, tid_).acc_;
156  forward_iterators(sys_, twa_, todo.back().it_kripke,
157  todo.back().it_prop, false, 0);
158  auto it = map.find(dst);
159  if (it == map.end())
160  {
161  if (SPOT_LIKELY(push_state(dst, dfs_number+1, acc)))
162  {
163  map[dst] = ++dfs_number;
164  todo.push_back({dst, sys_.succ(dst.st_kripke, tid_),
165  twa_->succ(dst.st_prop)});
166  forward_iterators(sys_, twa_, todo.back().it_kripke,
167  todo.back().it_prop, true, 0);
168  }
169  }
170  else if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(update(todo.back().st,
171  dfs_number,
172  dst, map[dst], acc)))
173  {
174  finalize();
175  return true;
176  }
177  }
178  }
179  finalize();
180  return false;
181  }
183  void setup()
184  {
185  tm_.start("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_));
186  }
188  bool push_state(product_state, unsigned dfsnum, acc_cond::mark_t cond)
189  {
190  uf_.makeset(dfsnum);
191  roots_.push_back({dfsnum, cond, {}});
192  return true;
193  }
202  bool pop_state(product_state, unsigned top_dfsnum, bool,
203  product_state, unsigned)
204  {
205  if (top_dfsnum == roots_.back().dfsnum)
206  {
207  roots_.pop_back();
208  ++sccs_;
209  uf_.markdead(top_dfsnum);
210  }
211  dfs_ = todo.size() > dfs_ ? todo.size() : dfs_;
212  return true;
213  }
217  bool update(product_state, unsigned,
218  product_state, unsigned dst_dfsnum,
219  acc_cond::mark_t cond)
220  {
221  if (uf_.isdead(dst_dfsnum))
222  return false;
224  while (!uf_.sameset(dst_dfsnum, roots_.back().dfsnum))
225  {
226  auto& el = roots_.back();
227  roots_.pop_back();
228  uf_.unite(dst_dfsnum, el.dfsnum);
229  cond |= el.acc | el.ingoing;
230  }
231  roots_.back().acc |= cond;
232  found_ = acc_.accepting(roots_.back().acc);
233  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(found_))
234  stop_ = true;
235  return found_;
236  }
238  void finalize()
239  {
240  bool tst_val = false;
241  bool new_val = true;
242  bool exchanged = stop_.compare_exchange_strong(tst_val, new_val);
243  if (exchanged)
244  finisher_ = true;
245  tm_.stop("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_));
246  }
248  bool finisher()
249  {
250  return finisher_;
251  }
253  unsigned int states()
254  {
255  return dfs_number;
256  }
258  unsigned int transitions()
259  {
260  return trans_;
261  }
263  unsigned walltime()
264  {
265  return tm_.timer("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_)).walltime();
266  }
268  std::string name()
269  {
270  return "renault_lpar13";
271  }
273  int sccs()
274  {
275  return sccs_;
276  }
278  mc_rvalue result()
279  {
280  return !found_ ? mc_rvalue::EMPTY : mc_rvalue::NOT_EMPTY;
281  }
283  std::string trace()
284  {
285  SPOT_ASSERT(found_);
286  std::string res = "Prefix:\n";
288  // Compute the prefix of the accepting run
289  for (auto& s : todo)
290  res += " " + std::to_string( +
291  + "*" + sys_.to_string( + "\n";
293  // Compute the accepting cycle
294  res += "Cycle:\n";
296  struct ctrx_element
297  {
298  const product_state* prod_st;
299  ctrx_element* parent_st;
300  SuccIterator* it_kripke;
301  std::shared_ptr<trans_index> it_prop;
302  };
303  std::queue<ctrx_element*> bfs;
305  acc_cond::mark_t acc = {};
307  bfs.push(new ctrx_element({&todo.back().st, nullptr,
308  sys_.succ(todo.back().st.st_kripke, tid_),
309  twa_->succ(todo.back().st.st_prop)}));
310  while (true)
311  {
312  here:
313  auto* front = bfs.front();
314  bfs.pop();
315  // PUSH all successors of the state.
316  while (!front->it_kripke->done())
317  {
318  while (!front->it_prop->done())
319  {
320  if (twa_->get_cubeset().intersect
321  (twa_->trans_data(front->it_prop, tid_).cube_,
322  front->it_kripke->condition()))
323  {
324  const product_state dst = {
325  front->it_kripke->state(),
326  twa_->trans_storage(front->it_prop).dst
327  };
329  // Skip Unknown states or not same SCC
330  auto it = map.find(dst);
331  if (it == map.end() ||
332  !uf_.sameset(it->second,
333  map[todo.back().st]))
334  {
335  front->it_prop->next();
336  continue;
337  }
339  // This is a valid transition. If this transition
340  // is the one we are looking for, update the counter-
341  // -example and flush the bfs queue.
342  auto mark = twa_->trans_data(front->it_prop,
343  tid_).acc_;
344  if (!(acc & mark))
345  {
346  ctrx_element* current = front;
347  while (current != nullptr)
348  {
349  // FIXME: also display acc?
350  res = res + " " +
351  std::to_string(current->prod_st->st_prop) +
352  + "*" +
353  sys_. to_string(current->prod_st->st_kripke) +
354  "\n";
355  current = current->parent_st;
356  }
358  // empty the queue
359  while (!bfs.empty())
360  {
361  auto* e = bfs.front();
362  sys_.recycle(e->it_kripke, tid_);
363  bfs.pop();
364  delete e;
365  }
366  sys_.recycle(front->it_kripke, tid_);
367  delete front;
369  // update acceptance
370  acc |= mark;
371  if (twa_->acc().accepting(acc))
372  {
373  return res;
374  }
376  const product_state* q = &(it->first);
377  ctrx_element* root = new ctrx_element({
378  q , nullptr,
379  sys_.succ(q->st_kripke, tid_),
380  twa_->succ(q->st_prop)
381  });
382  bfs.push(root);
383  goto here;
384  }
386  // Otherwise increment iterator and push successor.
387  const product_state* q = &(it->first);
388  ctrx_element* root = new ctrx_element({
389  q , nullptr,
390  sys_.succ(q->st_kripke, tid_),
391  twa_->succ(q->st_prop)
392  });
393  bfs.push(root);
394  }
395  front->it_prop->next();
396  }
397  front->it_prop->reset();
398  front->it_kripke->next();
399  }
400  sys_.recycle(front->it_kripke, tid_);
401  delete front;
402  }
404  // never reach here;
405  return res;
406  }
408  private:
410  struct todo_element
411  {
412  product_state st;
413  SuccIterator* it_kripke;
414  std::shared_ptr<trans_index> it_prop;
415  };
417  struct root_element {
418  unsigned dfsnum;
419  acc_cond::mark_t ingoing;
420  acc_cond::mark_t acc;
421  };
423  typedef std::unordered_map<const product_state, int,
424  product_state_hash,
425  product_state_equal> visited_map;
427  kripkecube<State, SuccIterator>& sys_;
428  twacube_ptr twa_;
429  std::vector<todo_element> todo;
430  visited_map map;
431  unsigned int dfs_number = 0;
432  unsigned int trans_ = 0;
433  unsigned tid_;
434  std::atomic<bool>& stop_;
435  bool found_ = false;
436  std::vector<root_element> roots_;
437  int_unionfind uf_;
438  acc_cond acc_;
439  unsigned sccs_;
440  unsigned dfs_;
441  spot::timer_map tm_;
442  bool finisher_ = false;
443  };
444 }
This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter is of type kripkecube....
Definition: kripke.hh:72
This class is a template representation of a Kripke structure. It is composed of two template paramet...
Definition: kripke.hh:41
This class implements the sequential emptiness check as presented in "Three SCC-based Emptiness Check...
Definition: lpar13.hh:41
bool update(product_state, unsigned, product_state, unsigned dst_dfsnum, acc_cond::mark_t cond)
This method is called for every closing, back, or forward edge. Return true if a counterexample has b...
Definition: lpar13.hh:217
bool pop_state(product_state, unsigned top_dfsnum, bool, product_state, unsigned)
This method is called to notify the emptiness checks that a state will be popped. If the method retur...
Definition: lpar13.hh:202
A map of timer, where each timer has a name.
Definition: timer.hh:229
A Transition-based ω-Automaton.
Definition: twa.hh:623
const acc_cond & acc() const
The acceptance condition of the automaton.
Definition: twa.hh:816
size_t wang32_hash(size_t key)
Thomas Wang's 32 bit hash function.
Definition: hashfunc.hh:41
@ U
Definition: automata.hh:27
Definition: mc.hh:44
The product is not empty.
The product is empty.
An acceptance mark.
Definition: acc.hh:85

Please direct any question, comment, or bug report to the Spot mailing list at
Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.1